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Lowcountry Eye Specialists

Ophthalmologists located in Ladson, SC

Drooping eyelids are a common problem of aging that can interfere with your vision, as well as affect your appearance. If you have drooping eyelids, our board-certified ophthalmologists at Lowcountry Eye Specialists in Ladson, South Carolina, can help. They perform advanced blepharoplasty procedures that remove excess skin and fat from your eyelids to restore your sight and improve your appearance. To find out whether you're a good candidate for blepharoplasty, call Lowcountry Eye Specialists today or book an appointment online.

Blepharoplasty Q & A

What is blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty corrects drooping eyelids that are affecting your vision. Most patients undergo blepharoplasty for the upper eyelids, but it's also a good option if you have baggy lower lids. In addition, blepharoplasty is a popular aesthetic procedure for drooping eyelids that makes you look younger and fresher.

Blepharoplasty surgery takes place under a local anesthetic. The Lowcountry Eye Specialists team removes the excess skin and any fat deposits from your eyelids, then tightens the remaining skin to form a natural, unrestrictive eyelid.

The incisions your provider makes during your blepharoplasty procedure are in the eyelid fold, which hides your scar most of the time.

Am I a good candidate for blepharoplasty?

If drooping eyelids are affecting your vision or causing problems with your eyes, and you're generally healthy and don’t smoke, you're likely to be a good candidate for blepharoplasty.

When you visit Lowcountry Eye Specialists, your provider examines your eyes and eyelids to see if blepharoplasty is the right treatment. They also look at your medical history and consider relevant lifestyle factors to make sure blepharoplasty is suitable for you. For instance, it helps to be a nonsmoker because smoking delays healing.

How long will my recovery take after blepharoplasty?

After your blepharoplasty procedure, you're likely to feel soreness that resembles sunburn on your eyelids. The skin might feel tighter and more sensitive too. If you feel uncomfortable, you can take medication to relieve these symptoms; your provider at Lowcountry Eye Specialists can advise you on the best remedies to use.

Some swelling in your eyelids is common after blepharoplasty. Apply a cooling compress to your eyelids to reduce the swelling, and try to keep your head raised if you lie down. Some patients find that their vision blurs a little at first, but this isn't usually anything to worry about.

You might need to take up to 7 days off work following blepharoplasty, depending on your recovery rate and the work you do. Don't strain your eyes during the healing period or do any vigorous physical activity that could interfere with tissue repair.

If you have drooping eyelids and they're affecting your view of the world, call Lowcountry Eye Specialists today to discuss the benefits of blepharoplasty or request an appointment online.